Auto Detailing Training Courses for Scalable Growth & Profits

Transform Your: Knowledge, Confidence, Authority, & Business!

HUGE Potential Lies Ahead

Will You Commit to Improvement? 

Training & Consulting to Boost YOUR Businesses Growth

Step 1:  We Learn About  YOU!

Auto Detailing Training Courses by OCDCarCare Los Angeles begin with 1 on 1 conversations. To best help your business we need  to: understand where you’re at in your detailing journey, clarify your training goals, uncover your business goals, and to determine if this is a mutual fit.

We Need to Learn About Your:

  • Background
  • Knowledge & Skills
  • Experience
  • Motivations
  • Overall Training & Business Goals

Why Learn about YOU First?

It’s Simple, yet Powerful Concept:

If we don’t KNOW YOU…

(and Understand where you’re at–Now)

We can’t  HELP YOU!

(to Get to Where you Want to BE!)

Auto Detailing Training Courses for Professionals

Designed for Intermediate to Advanced Detailers ONLY.

OCDCarCare detailing training courses provide in-depth knowledge and intense hands-on skills training.

These courses are not for everyone…

They are not leisurely detailing 101 introductory classes.

They are not 1-day express seminar for owners who want to maintain their personal vehicles.

OCDCarCare training courses are designed specifically for established professional detailers.

Best Training Candidates:

Motivated & hungry visionaries who DO.

Rare People willing to put in the WORK.

Individuals determined to push themselves to massively improve their circumstances and their businesses to– OBTAIN Their GOALS.

Therefore . . .



    • Because professional detailers (minimum 1 year of current and consecutive experience) have existing knowledge and skills to build on.
    • Their interest and attention is highest because they are invested to improve their business. 
    • They have consistently demonstrated the strongest desire, drive, and determination for growth & improvement.

Detailer's Testimonial of Christopher Brown & OCDCarCare Los Angeles Detailing Training Classes

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 Detailing Training Course Topics

The many forms of paint correction taught by Christopher Brown of OCDCarCare during auto detailing training sessions.

Popular Detailing Training Course Topics

OCDCarCare Detailing Training Courses are custom tailored to fit each individual’s skills and business development needs and goals.

Training classes often include a mixture of topics to help detailers reach their goals, such as: 

  • Paint Correction (Polishing) Training. Quality, Efficiency, & Approaches.
  • Super Effective & Efficient Vehicle Wash Methods, Topical Decontamination, & Other Surface Preps.
  • Overall Process Efficiency: Improve Speed, Results, and Reduce Stress & Strain on the Body.
  • Optimizing Set Ups: (Fixed Locations or Mobile Operations) Ensuring Maximum Quality, Productivity, & Speed.
  • Employee Procedures: Working with Owners to Develop, Refine, & Implement Staff Workflows.
  • Training New or Established Employees: Mobile or Fixed Location Business Models.
  • Ceramic Nano Coating (Glass Coating) Preparation, Application, & Maintenance Procedures.
  • Managing the Detailing Business: Employee & Inventory Mgmt., Project Scheduling.
  • Sales & Marketing: Pricing, Customer Acquisition, Marketing, Sales Process, Talking to Clients, Etc.
  • Auto Detailing Business Model Auditing and Consulting.
  • Completely Customized Training Programs— Based on the Unique Needs of Businesses.

Program Length Based on Individual Needs & Goals

Training programs range from 3-7 days. The length of training programs depends on individual student goals, knowledge, experience, and situation. Please ask about any training subjects not listed.

Best Improvements Occur with a Minimum of 3-4 Days of Consecutive Training.

Sessions last 8+ hours daily. Courses constantly adapt, day to day, based on your needs and progress.

Training Course Format

Knowledge + Skills = THE  formula to maximize quality, efficiency, speed, & profits.

Courses Combine In-depth Theory & Intense Hands-on Training.

On day 1 detailers take a real world test. This reveals each individual’s: experience, knowledge base, physical skills, and capabilities.

After personal assessments, the teaching style and material is customized to best fit each INDIVIDUAL Student.

Equipment and Products are supplied for training sessions.

All training is performed on actual vehicles, simulating real world conditions.

Detailer's Testimonial of Christopher Brown & OCDCarCare Los Angeles Detailing Training Classes

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Hardcore Detailing Training for Serious Professional Detailers

Push YOUR Business Knowledge, Skills, Efficiency, & Profits to New Heights.


    • Immediate Actionable Knowledge
    • High Quality Work to be PROUD of
    • High Efficiency Workflow Procedures
    • Physical Skills & Procedures to Tackle All Scenarios
    • Confidence to Tackle High End Projects
    • Mental Strategies to Approach Problems
    • The Highest Hourly Profits

These Traits ^ ^ ATTRACT The Best Clients for the Highest Paying Jobs. 

This is NOT:

– A Big Group SEMINAR Style Detailing Training Class.

ZERO Sales Pitches for:

– Chemicals
– Tools
– Paid Affiliate Partnerships
– On-Going Membership Fees!


We ONLY want to work with Serious Detailers Committed to Improvement.


Because Committed Business Owners are Motivated to Actual Change.

They understand lost time = lost money + increased frustration for clients, businesses, and employees. 

Also, NOBODY wants to work with unmotivated people who waste other peoples’s time and effort.

If You’re Ready to Commit Yourself to Business Improvement with Knowledge and Work — You’re in the Right Place.


Improvement and Excellence REALLY Is This Simple and Attainable– IF YOU Follow the Magic Recipe!


Do You Have These Business Concerns or Frustrations ?

  • Can’t Find a Reliable System to Train Employees? 
  • Paint Polishing: Do You Struggle to Deliver Your Clients The Quality They Deserve. And Sometimes Feeling Lost or Over-matched?
  • How Do I Increase Detailing: Efficiency, Speed, Work Quality, and Profit Margins?
  • Struggle to Find the Path to Raise of Your Work Quality/Confidence to Tackle High Profile Jobs?
  • How Do I Learn to Optimally Prepare & Install Ceramic Nano Coatings?
  • How Do We Improve Our Skills to Confidently Raise Prices or Become a Local Authority?
  • What’s the Best Way to Establish Practical & Efficient Employee Workflow Procedures for CONSISTENT Results of Quality & Labor Input? 
  • Where Do I Find Professional Auto Detailing Training Customized to MY BUSINESS NEEDS?
  • How Do We Establish Practical & Efficient Workflow Procedures? 

We’ve Shared YOUR Detailing & Business Frustrations

(It’s a Main Reason We Created the Course)

Detailer Testimonial of Christopher Brown * OCDCarCare Los Angeles Detailing Training Classes

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The Nuts & Bolts of OCDCarCare Detailing Training Courses

Quality Auto Detailing Requires Preparation, Focus, and Confidence.

KNOWLEDGE is the Lasting Foundation for Success!

Understanding tools, products, procedures, defects, and goals for each detailing project are the keys to quality, efficiency, profitability, and success.

Detailers using this approach can tackle any project: organizing solutions, results, and workflow procedures which are: highly effective, time efficient, and super profitable.

WHO  (Do we Help)

Detailers SERIOUS about advancing their knowledge, skills, and business progress.

Our in-depth courses best fit intermediate to advanced detailers who have basic detailing knowledge, skills, and experience.

HOW  (Do we Help Them)

Developing the mental muscles of detailing, WITH practical hands-on physical skills.


Our professional classes revolve around one-on-one or very small group training. We invest the time to understand YOU to find the best teaching style best suited to YOUR Needs.

Individualized Communication & Curriculum– THE MOST effective teaching for learning breakthroughs. Because everyone has different experience levels, skill sets, life background, and mental approach to learning.


WHAT  (Detailers & Business Owners Learn)

Actionable Training of In-depth Knowledge, Skills, Procedures, and Business Insights.

To produce high quality and efficient work and effective troubleshooting methods to overcome Detailing problems.

To quickly and accurately identify project goals and to apply efficient solutions, delivering the best results with the highest profits.

(*) [**] Training is available in Los Angeles and beyond.

(* for detailing training outside Los Angles, CA, trainees will assume all OCDCarCare travel & lodging expenses)
[** 33% non-refundable deposit is required to book all Detailing Training Courses]

WHY OCDCarCare Auto Detailing Training Courses?

OCDCarCare Los Angeles Detailing Training Courses EMPOWER Detailers to Understand the ‘How’s + ‘Why’s + Skills of Detailing Skills, Concepts, & Procedures.

Learn HOW Using the of Power Their Mind Makes Their Detailing Business:

    • Faster
    • Simpler
    • More Efficient
    • Higher Quality
    • More Profitable
    • Better for Customers
    • A Local Authority
OCDCarCare Los Angeles offers detailing training courses on paint correction & general detailing to teache students how to best use their mental muscles to make the physical aspect of detailing easier and faster.
OCDCarCare Auto Detailing Training teaches the mental approach of evaluating situations to ensure the best, safest, and fastest results.

Small Training Class Sizes = Maximum 1-on-1 Learning & Improvement.


A Detailer’s Education & Improvement are our ONLY Concern.

OCDCarCare’s Training is NOT a gateway to sell products or machines. There are no hidden or ongoing group fees. Our ONLY goal is maximum knowledge, skills, & improvement for each student — PERIOD.

Helping Businesses Improve: Christopher’s Calling

The evolution of Christopher Brown’s detailing journey, paired with his personal skills and talents, drew him to education.

“I love working with dedicate and passionate people through education. Helping detailers improve their knowledge, skills, and their lives through more successful business practices is 100 times more personally and professionally satisfying than ANY vehicle I could ever work on!”

This calling inspired the writing og many long-form auto detailing and car care articles which educate both car care enthusiasts and professional detailers on effective auto detailing theories and practices.

OCDCarCare has prepared vehicles for many prestigious events including: the Pebble Beach Concours d’ Elegance and The Quail (2014-2016, 2019), special projects for Meguiar’s, Gas Monkey Garage, and SEMA (2013 & 2015). In 2015, Christopher joined Kevin Brown of as the lead assistant for NXT West and NXT East.

Christopher has trained and worked alongside industry leaders and many highly specialized detailers in America. As a result, his diverse and far reaching knowledge base is available to all students.

Since 2014, Christopher has traveled the U.S., helping hundreds of detailers improve their detailing knowledge, skills, and confidence. To Christopher education is fun, creative, and rewarding because it helps people improve their way of life through their passion, hobby, or business. 

Auto Detailing Training Courses by OCDCarCare Los Angeles provide the most current & comprehensive detailing specific training.

Topics include: paint polishing, employee efficiency, workflow procedures, business operations, marketing, & more.

Christopher Brown of OCDCarCare was the lead assistant for NXT West & East 2015. The video below @ 0:57 Christopher speaks about training the mental muscles of detailing.

Take the 1st Step to Improve Your Businesses: Knowledge, Skills, Confidence, Authority, & Profits.

► Please Fill Out the Form Below.

OCDCarCare Detailing Training Inquiry Form

Professional Detailers w/ 1yr + Experience Only. Why? Read Here.